Pagen Niloc | Zoumboulakis Galleries

Pagen Niloc

Pagen Niloc
Niloc Pagen is a Dutch artist, born in Heerlen in 1960.
The first characteristic of the artist Niloc is his immense enthusiasm concerning life and art. When he drove past a townhouse located in Bangkok’s commercial area of Sukhumvit, he saw many molds made of paper put out in the sun.  Niloc suddenly realized this was exactly what he wanted to do. Paper can do many things more than we think. Putting more imagination, the used paper can make a piece of artistic work.
Niloc’s Bangkok-based “Fun Export” company was founded ten years ago with a clear objective, focusing on the production of a unique range of papier-mâché products.
Used newspapers are the main material used, stuck together with wet paste to create form and shape as designed. The crafted object becomes solid when it dries and is later painted. The products are water-resistant, environment-friendly and have an endless lifespan.
Most of his life he has been travelling the continents as the Flying Dutchman. Inspired by different cultures and pop art he makes colorful objects made out of papier-mâché. With his work he pursues the quest of bringing the joy of life onto the people.
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