Romantzis Manolis
Born in Athens, Greece in 1952. Graduated from the Department of Geology of the University of Athens and holds a PhD in Environmental Education. He has worked as professor in the field of secondary education, at the same time practicing various forms of Art such as Sculpture, Photography, Drawing, Icon Writing, and Bookbinding.
Over the past few years, he has extensively and systematically occupied himself with Sculpture, using mostly clay, plaster, wood, steel and brass, in combination with other materials.
His teachers were Vrasidas Vlachopoulos in Drawing, Evangelos Moschos in Wood Sculpture, Spilios in Icon Writing, Giorgos Avagianos in Bookbinding, and Stelios Sarros in Sculpture.
His works can be found in private art collections.
Romantzis Manolis
The traveller
Sculpture made of reconstituted stone in metal base -
Romantzis Manolis
The guitarist on the road
Sculpture made of reconstituted stone -
Romantzis Manolis
Ο κιθαρ-οδός
Γλυπτό από αναδομημένο πέτρωμα και βάση από σίδηρο -
Romantzis Manolis
Ο ταξιδιώτης
Γλυπτό από αναδομημένο πέτρωμα και βάση από σίδηρο